Thursday, June 16, 2011

8 Week Check up

So, yesterday Evan had his 8 week check up.  He's just under 12 lbs and 23" long.  The poor Little Man the first of his vaccinations too, and he was not happy about it.  The vaccinations made him extremely sleepy (I think he is still a bit groggy from the vaccines this morning, as he went down for his nap in the bassinet without much fussing).

One thing we noticed was that Evan was always turning his head to the left.  When we mentioned it to the doctor, she said it was torticollis or Wry Neck.  Basically, his head was turned to the left in the womb and the muscles are tight on the one side.  She said it was good that we caught it early, as if can lead to a misshapen head and, in extreme cases, surgery to lengthen the muscles.  She gave us a few neck stretches to do and we are to go back in a month.  If the problem doesn't seem to be correcting itself that we may have to take Evan to physical therapy. 

On another note, Evan is attempting to roll over.  He has on a handful of occasions rolled himself over from his stomach to his back but today seemed the first time he's made good progress on rolling over onto his stomach from his back.  If he his right arm wasn't in the way, he'd have probably made it.  Here he is attempting to roll over on to his tummy.

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